Friday, July 2, 2010

Flag Painting and Fabric Textures

We painted American flags today in celebration of the 4th of July today!

Gus painted his face too silly goose!

Gus really loves to play with the ribbon rings, so today we explored other fabrics with different textures! There were some that were very soft, some were silky, and others that were rough. These are the pictures of the ones Gus liked best!

This one was similar to how the ribbons feel...

This one was rougher and stiff. Gus liked the way his fingernails made sounds on it!

This was the hands down favorite...What a rugged little guy you are!

We also played with balled up pieces of packing tape! It was neat to see how it would stick to our hands!

and our blankies!

and our pants!

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