Friday, July 23, 2010

Dirt and Worms and Circle Time

We played with "dirt and worms" in the sensory table (cake mix and gummy worms) today! It was fun to dig for worms and it sure smelled good!

Avilee asked if she could lead our circle time today. She showed us her collection of minerals! She told us all about them and let us touch! We liked feeling all the different textures and seeing the colors!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Butterfly Release, Oatmeal, and Fingerpainting

We released our butterflies today! We really enjoyed watching them change from little caterpillars, but it was also fun to see them flying around the yard and garden on their own!

The white spots in the grass are three of our six butterflies we raised! It was so neat to watch them exploring the great big world!

Gus played with butterflies too! We sang songs about them and helped them fly!

Butterfly, butterfly in the sky...

Butterfly, butterfly fly so high!

Wow! Great flying!

We played with oatmeal in the sensory table today! We had a bunch of cups to dig and pour the oatmeal. It was lots of fun!

We braved the wind this afternoon and finger painted outside! It is so fun to get messy, and we all worked together to make a beautiful picture!

As usual, Mason felt his creativity was constrained and had to explore other mediums. Silly boy :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We went on a field trip today to visit a litter of puppies! They sure were cute and we loved to play with them!

Baking Bread and Yarn Dolls

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In the spirit of Pioneer Day, we spent our day doing activities pioneer children may have done. The first thing we did was made homemade bread!

We poured the flour and yeast...

warmed up milk, butter, sugar, and salt...

and mixed it all together!

We loved to knead the dough!

We let the dough rise, and then we punched it down...

All done! Yummy!

This afternoon, we made dolls out of yarn! We started out by wrapping the yarn around books...

Then we used smaller pieces of yarn to tie the arms and dresses...


Spencer made his yarn doll a gingerbread man!

And put on a show!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Toothbrushes and Butterflies

Today we looked at pictures of lots of different teeth...people and animals! We talked about the different pictures we saw, and then we brushed their teeth! We had toothbrushes and toothpaste and pretty soon all the teeth were sparkly clean!

Exciting things happened over the weekend! We now have 5 butterflies! We were thrilled to see them flying around!